Reddish Vale Nursery School

Reddish Vale Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK5 7EU

0161 480 6713

Safety in the home

How safe is your home? Click here to complete a Home Safety Checklist for any additional help on how to make your home safer 

This page contains lots of information regarding ways to keep your child safe at home. Please contact the Nursery if you require additional advice on an area that is not addressed on this page.

Please click the picture below to read the ROSPA Accidents Don't Have to Happen booklet:

Button Battery Top Tips
Button batteries, particularly big, powerful lithium coin cell batteries, can badly
hurt or kill a small child if they swallow one and it gets stuck in their food pipe.
Here are our top tips for keeping children safe:

• Look round your home for lithium coin cell batteries – in products as well as
spare and ‘flat’ batteries.
• Keep products well out of children’s reach if the battery compartment isn’t
• Store spare button batteries in a sealed container in a high cupboard.
• Remember that ‘flat’ or ‘dead’ batteries still hold enough power to badly hurt a
child. So put them out of children’s reach straight away and recycle them
safely and as quickly as possible.
• Take care when buying toys from markets, discount stores or temporary
shops as they may not conform to safety regulations. Similarly, toys bought
online or from overseas may not meet UK safety standards.
• Teach older children that button batteries are dangerous and not to play with
them or give them to younger brothers and sisters.
• If you think your child has swallowed a button battery, don’t delay, take them
to A&E straight away or call 999 for an ambulance. Don’t let them eat or drink
and don’t make them sick.

Find out more…
Visit the Child Accident Prevention Trust’s Button Battery Hub

Useful Web Links