Reddish Vale Nursery School

Reddish Vale Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK5 7EU

0161 480 6713

2 Year Check

Every child participates in a statutory 2 year progress check between the age of 2 - 3 year old. This check is to celebrate every child's individual development between key workers, parents and additional professionals, if required. The written report will highlight what the Nursery is currently doing to support your child and it will give you ideas of how you can help your child's development at home. If you or your key worker have any concerns regarding a particular area of learning, this will be discussed and ideas can be shared of how to support your child.

For more information surrounding the 2 year progress check, click the picture below for more information.

The two year check assess the prime areas of learning for your child. These include:

  • Communication and Language Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development

After the 2 year check has been completed, the report will be placed in your child's folder and you will receive a copy of the report too. If it has been decided that gaining support from a additional agency would be helpful, a referral will be made by the Nursery.

If your child is identified as having an additional need, we will:

  • Identify the challenges or concerns
  • Think creatively about solutions
  • Jointly evaluate the pros and cons
  • Decide on which intervention to try
  • Put the intervention into action
  • Review the solution after an agreed period

We will then work closely with you to complete the assess, plan, do, review cycle throughout the time your child is with us.