Reddish Vale Nursery School

Reddish Vale Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK5 7EU

0161 480 6713

Clothing and Uniform

Children are not required to wear a uniform.

If you would like your child to wear school uniform, it is as follows:

Black jumper

Yellow polo

Black jogging bottoms / trousers / shorts / skirts / pinafore

Yellow summer dress

** Uniform can be second hand or good as new. Uniform DOES NOT need to have a logo**

Polo shirts and sweatshirts bearing the Nursery logo are available to buy from our uniform suppliers. Please click here – Triple S Uniform for more information


Due to so many children choosing to wear the uniform it is essential that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name as the wrong clothing can easily be picked up by mistake.

We encourage the children to play outside in all weathers so it is important that they wear sensible footwear to climb, jump etc and to join in all nursery activities.

It is also a great help to your child’s independence if they have clothing that is easy to manage.

We have a selection of wellington boots, waterproof coats and leggings for wet weather and sun hats with some neck cover for hot, sunny weather.

We also have a lot of spare uniform - if you would like some uniform free of charge please collect it from the front desk