Reddish Vale Nursery School

Reddish Vale Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK5 7EU

0161 480 6713

Expressive Arts and Design

At Reddish Vale Nursery the day is structured to allow for maximum opportunities for open ended, free flow play. This enables children to be creative and build upon their ideas and experiences without interruption. Attitudes of curiosity and questioning are encouraged alongside the introduction of new skills and techniques.

Ofsted 2020

“Staff use their thorough knowledge of children’s development to plan activities that are just right for every child. Activities capture children’s imagination and link closely to their interests and ideas.”


Open ended materials

Loose parts and open ended materials are used in the continuous provision to encourage creativity and to provide children with a range of possibilities. The use of open ended materials encourages imagination, creativity and problem solving skills so play can be richer and more complex. Where possible, natural materials are used for example feathers and sticks are used in the dough area which leads to endless possibilities in play.


.Fundamentals of Play: Loose Parts Play | Invitations to play

Core books

The familiarity with core stories enables children to role play with familiar texts. Adults create opportunities for children to act out story scenes and retell stories in their play. Resources and texts are available to children, however they are encouraged to retell stories in their own way.


Process not product

At Reddish Vale Nursery staff understand and value the process that goes into children’s creativity, rather than a focus on the end product. Children are provided with a variety of resources aimed at teaching different skills and techniques. Adults ask open ended questions about what the children are doing in order to encourage confidence in their creativity.

Role play

Role play is values both indoors and outdoors. Domestic role play remains a consistent feature across the Nursery where learning opportunities are linked to realistic home experiences. We believe that re-enacting experiences from home is the best way to ensure role play is purposeful. Other types of role play are also valued and are used to build upon children’s interests.



 Woodwork exercises creativity and problem solving skills. Children are encouraged to make their own choices and learn through trial and error. Woodwork sparks creative thinking and imagination. Children learn through a progression in skills. For example they start by sanding and screwing, progress to gluing and then to hammering and sawing.